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A-Level Maths For Tutors
You are just a couple of clicks away from being able to add A-level Maths to your kit!
The pace is excellent, there are plenty of worked examples and Rita is happy to recap or explain anything that people haven't quite grasped. She doesn't treat any question like a silly question.
Nikkie, Maths Teacher & Tutor
Included In This Live Course
Weekly 90-minute online, live training sessions (recorded for replay)
A private learning space to access resources, ask questions and have direct access to Rita
Unlimited replays of recorded live sessions, with an extra month after the course finishes
Full set of teaching resources for A-Level Pure Maths, so you can get teaching right away
A small cohort of educators, for personalised attention and strong community support
Regular self-assessment to ensure knowledge gaps are addressed
Your learning journey
This course is designed to take your through the majority of the pure maths content in A-level maths, focusing on core topics that need the most support.
We'll work through the topics in the natural order of the A-level syllabus.
Over 20 weekly sessions we'll cover :
Year 1 (10 sessions)
Overview of A-level syllabus and exam structure
Circle Geometry
Algebraic Methods
Binomial Expansion
Exponentials and Logarithms
Year 2 (10 sessions)
Binomial Expansion and Partial Fractions
Trigonometry (Identities and Modelling)
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